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Linux Tips: Here's How I Setup My Elementary OS

Elementary OS is a cool and free operating system that runs on my computer for years. It has a simple and stylish look, with a UI

I've been using Linux for a long time, since the first grade of high school, Linux has become the primary OS for my laptop.

In this blog, I will share about my experience while working with one of the popular distros, namely Elementary OS, how I set it up, managing the packages and a little review about this beautiful distro.

Elementary OS

Elementary OS is a cool and free operating system that runs on my computer for years. It has a simple and stylish look, with a user-friendly interface that's easy to navigate.

This distro comes with all the basic apps you need, like a web browser, email, and media player with beautiful Desktop Environment and Elementary icons packages.

Elementary os 7.0 horus has been released! check here.

But it's not just a pretty face - it also cares about your privacy and security, making sure your software is always up to date and your data is protected.

In short, if you're looking for an operating system that's both functional and good looking, Elementary OS is definitely worth checking out!

Why I Use Elementary OS

I have tried various Linux distros with various Linux-based such as stable Debian, rolling release arch, or independent distributions such as void Linux and NixOS.

Elementary OS itself is the distro that I have tried since 2014 and until this day gaves a truly unique experience to use.

This distro is made very beautiful and light, according to the jargon "The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS", I think this distro is indeed a variant of a friendly Linux distro for anyone who is new to or wants to move to using Linux.

Elemetary OS itself is built on linux ubuntu LTS, meaning that it will provide long-term updates and allow core ubuntu to be installed on elementary os, for example, for the needs of installing libraries available for ubuntu.

Managing Package In Elementary OS

Basically package management on elementary os is handled by APT(Advanced Package Tool) as it is on Ubuntu. We can acces it with the app called "AppCenter" that allows you to search for, install, and manage software applications for your system. It is similar to the Google Play Store or Apple's App Store.

AppCenter uses .deb packages to manage software and provides a convenient, user-friendly interface for managing software on your system.

I myself use APT only to install system app requirements, I don't use it to install supporting applications outside the system. I do this to maintain the stability of system application dependencies.

Then for other application needs I manage it using the following package management:

Flatpak Package Manager

Flatpak is a package manager for Linux-based operating systems. It provides a centralized way of distributing and installing software applications, similar to other package managers like apt or yum.

Flatpak packages are self-contained, meaning that they include all the dependencies and libraries necessary to run the application, making them more versatile and easier to install and manage.

One of the key benefits of using Flatpak is that it allows users to install and run the same applications on different Linux distributions, without having to worry about compatibility issues.

This makes it a good choice for developers who want to create applications that can be easily distributed and installed across multiple Linux systems.

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Elementary OS includes built-in support for Flatpak. Flatpak is used as an alternative to traditional package managers like apt, and provides a centralized way of distributing and installing software applications.

In Elementary OS, you can use the AppCenter, which is the default software manager, to search for and install Flatpak applications. The AppCenter integrates with the Flatpak system, making it easy for users to discover and install a wide range of applications, including those that are not available in the traditional package repositories.

By providing built-in support for Flatpak, Elementary OS offers users a versatile and convenient way to install and manage software applications on their system.


This is my favorite one, AppImage is a format for distributing portable software applications on Linux. It is a self-contained executable file that includes all the libraries and dependencies required to run the application, so it can be run on any Linux distribution without having to install additional dependencies.

One of the key benefits of using AppImages is that they are easy to distribute and install. You simply download the AppImage file, make it executable, and then run it. This eliminates the need to go through a package manager or to install additional libraries or dependencies.

AppImages are also cross-distribution, meaning that they can be run on different Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and others. This makes it easier for developers to distribute their software and for users to run the same applications on multiple Linux systems.

I use appimage for almost all non-system applications other than flatpak such as inkscape, figma, VSCodium and others. For the repo I'm using is here: BIG thanks for the developers

Nix Package Manager

Nix package manager has a large repository of over 80,000 packages, making it a versatile tool for managing software applications on your Linux system. The Nix package repository is updated regularly, so you can always find the latest versions of popular software applications.

Nix provides a consistent and reliable way of installing and managing software applications, and the large repository of packages makes it easy to find the software you need. Whether you're looking for a specific application or exploring new software, Nix provides a convenient and organized way of finding and installing the software you want.

In addition, Nix also allows you to install multiple versions of the same package without them interfering with each other. This helps keep your system organized and prevents conflicts between different versions of apps.

I use nix to manage CLI-based applications and create a home-manager to manage the environment that I need.

Overall, Nix helps you find, install, and manage software applications on your computer in a convenient and organized way.

Setting Up For Productivity

Overall, Elementary OS is a well-designed and user-friendly operating system that is well-suited for productivity. With its clean interface, built-in productivity apps, and customizable environment, it provides a convenient and efficient way to get your work done.

there are lots of applications available to meet our productivity needs on elementary os, both those that have been installed natively or need to be installed.

I personally use applications such as Joplin from flatpak to manage my daily notes, as well as Code and VSCodium to write simple programming code which applications are natively installed on elementary os.

Managing my email using my favorite application, namely thunderbird, and for graphic needs, I installed the Figma and Inkscape applications


Elementary OS is a beautiful, user-friendly, and open-source operating system that offers a modern computing experience. Its simplicity and focus on privacy make it a great choice for individuals who value these features. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, Elementary OS is definitely worth checking out. So, if you're in the market for a new operating system or just want to try something different, give Elementary OS a try. You won't be disappointed!

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