Running is an excellent way to build up your endurance and get fit. But what happens inside your body after months of running? In this post, we'll explore the science behind how running can impact your health in positive ways.
Running is great exercise that helps boost your mood and burn fat, but the real question is: what happens inside your body after months of running?
Running is a great way to stay healthy, lose weight, sleep better and feel happier. But did you know that running can also help reduce stress?
If you're looking for an easy way to reduce some of your stress levels then consider joining your friends for a morning jog or evening run. Not only will this exercise help to clear your mind but it's also proven that people who exercise regularly tend to have lower blood pressure (which means less risk of heart disease). So what happens inside your body after three months of running? What happens when we do something like this over and over again every day?
Your brain gets a boost.
On top of the myriad health benefits you'll reap from running, your brain will get a boost too. Running is an excellent way to stimulate the brain and keep it young, according to research published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. As we age (and especially if we don't do much exercise), our brains begin to shrink and lose volume because they're not being stimulated by new information or challenges like they were when we were younger.
But running can help reverse some signs of aging by stimulating blood flow and increasing oxygen intake—two things that are critical for keeping your noggin ticking along nicely. And when your noggin is happy, so are you: studies have shown that people who regularly exercise report feeling less stressed out than those who don't work out at all. In fact, one study found that regular runners had lower levels of cortisol—that's right, running lowers stress hormones!
If you want some more concrete evidence that hitting the pavement is good for your mental health? Researchers also found that people who run regularly sleep better than others; they fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer because running boosts melatonin release (the hormone responsible for inducing sleep). Running also reduces anxiety and improves memory—win-win!
Your ideal weight shifts.
It is likely that any weight loss you experience will be gradual. If you are eating healthy and exercising regularly, your body will begin to adapt to your new lifestyle and maintain a lower-than-usual weight. On the other hand, if you stop exercising or eating healthily (or both), then it’s possible for your body weight to shift back up toward its previous level.
Your body tends to fight against drastic changes in its composition by trying to return it to an average state—this means that if you were overweight before running started, and now have lost some pounds but feel that your goal has not been reached yet, don't worry! It can take time for this process of adjustment to happen naturally—but once it does, the rest should fall into place easily enough!
Your immune system is bolstered.
After three months of running, your body will be better able to fight off illness.
Running can help boost your immune system and also reduce the risk of getting sick. According to a study done by the National Institutes of Health, people who run five or more times per week have lower levels of inflammatory markers (a sign that something is wrong with your body) than those who don't exercise regularly. This means that runners are less likely to get sick because their bodies are already fighting off any foreign invaders that may try to invade them in the future. If you're looking for an excuse not to skip a workout today, there you go!
Your heart gets stronger.
As you run, your cardiovascular system gets stronger. This is because running increases blood flow to the heart, which means more blood can be pumped with each beat. As we all know, exercise helps us lose weight and keep fit. The better our cardiovascular systems are at pumping blood around our bodies, the easier it will be for us to get rid of fat stores and get fitter.
Increased cardiovascular strength can also help with energy levels – as we have a better supply of oxygen in our bodies and a better-functioning respiratory system.
Your hormone levels regulate.
Your hormone levels regulate.
Running releases endorphins and adrenaline, which are known to be mood-altering hormones that can reduce or even prevent depression. Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for increased muscle mass, bone density and strength. However, too much testosterone can lead to hair loss (which you’ll want to avoid), acne breakouts and an increase in body fat percentage—so it’s better not to take any supplements! Cortisol is essential for survival; it helps us respond quickly when we are surprised or scared by something new or unknown. Too much cortisol can also cause insomnia because it suppresses melatonin production at night time when our bodies should be resting!
You might feel more tired than usual – and that's okay!
You might notice that you're feeling more tired than usual, or that your muscles are aching. This is normal and should pass after a few weeks. If it doesn't, talk to your doctor about what's going on!
Many people who run experience increased mood, better appetite regulation and health benefits for their heart and immune system, but it's important to rest too!
As you've probably noticed, running can really take a toll on your body. It's important to listen to your body and allow it time for recovery.
Don’t overdo it! Most new runners have this tendency, but if you try to run too far or too fast too soon, it could lead to injury.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see results right away! It took me about 8 months before I started seeing big changes in my fitness levels and weight loss goals (but finally learning how much muscle I had built up made all the difference).
We hope that this article has helped you understand the many benefits of running, as well as some of the physiological changes that can occur in your body after months of running. It’s important to remember that these changes are normal and may even feel like a relief! However, it’s also important not to overdo it at first—if you’re feeling tired or sore after starting up a new exercise routine like running, take it easy and listen to your body before pushing yourself too hard.